

ReSPECT Training

Demystifying ReSPECT, DNAR and ADRT awareness is targeted at health & social care staff who are caring for people who may be elderly or have life-limiting conditions.  Staff will be able to understand the differences between the three documents and learn how they work in communicating the wishes of their residents should they require emergency treatment.

Why, when and how the forms are used to convey the wishes of the person, including case studies and discussions around this emotive subject.


Care Planning Training

Care Planning Training

This Care Planning training gives care and support workers key knowledge and a better understanding to effectively write a care plans for the individuals they support whilst ensuring that a clear log is available for CQC and Ofsted inspections. Care planning can be complex and can vary between different care sectors. This course will be tailored to your specific requirements.


Strength Based Training

Strength Based Training

Strength Based training has its foundation in social work and social care.  Strength Based approach is a “work practice theory” which focuses on an individuals’ self-determination and strength. This type of approach builds and supports the client on their strengths, specifically seeing them as resourceful and resilient when they are in adverse conditions. Strength Based training focuses on this approach being client led and is centered on outcomes for the future.


Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) Training

Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) Training

Learn how to develop a psychologically informed environment. This course will look at the 5 key elements that make up a psychologically informed environment, as well as looking at how frontline staff can lead the change within their service and start their journey to becoming psychologically informed.


Prevent Training

Prevent Training

It is a requirement for all education providers and certain authorities to promote core British values. Promoting British values enables individuals to prevent Radicalisation and Extremism. Individual services are required to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and complete prevent training.


Strength Based Training

Strength Based Training

This Strength Based training has been designed to enable people to consider the individual being supported by service with regard to their independence, resilience and ability to make choices in order to improve their wellbeing and the collaboration required to do so. This collaboration draws on the persons strengths and assets.


Challenging Behaviour Training & Breakaway Techniques

Challenging Behaviour Training & Breakaway Techniques

Our Challenging Behaviour Awareness and Breakaway Techniques training is designed to give health and social care staff more of an understanding into Challenging Behaviour, how to assess the level of threat and level of response by using the minimum degree of force to breakaway whilst ensuring their safety and the safety of the service user.



Defensible Documentation Training

Defensible documentation training is delivered by live interactive webinar and onsite to groups of up to fifteen delegates. It is designed to give attendees a better understanding of the principles of good communication and record keeping. Effective communication skills are essential when working in the healthcare sector.  The CQC look to this as a key indicator of a good practice.

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